Brining Back Real Issues into the Art World

Whatever happened to the ideal of Art causing change?

Are we remembering to breech environmental, humanitarian, and animal rights issues in the gallery? Is it that with the “freedom of speech” in the US we have become lazy? Just think about Ai Weiwei and the brutality he has suffered for speaking out in society. Where are the youth going to learn their ethics from if there aren’t more socially concious activists ready to take up these topics on behalf of local communities as well as for the betterment of the global community?

At the Ronald Feldman gallery space at the Armory Sam Van Aken filled the space with plants – an installation called “New Edens”, and a few collages of seed packages illustrated his hyprid projects. He sold small young plants for a mere $25. At first sight – I just got giddy with living, growing beauty being brought to that space. His installations are exactly what I want to be seeing more of. The mere act of bringing plant life into the conversation quickly causes conversation around issues of health, education, and food and farming practices.

And although I am about a year and a half late on this one – I just watched The Cove tonight and recomend you take another look at the issues of whale and dolphin fishing!