Good little dog…(repost w/ commentary)


Liza: hehe

Oh, somehow that reminds me of this julian schnabel joke i read the other day
me: ?
Liza: It has nothing to do with red and blue
me: oh? lol – what was it?
Liza: i dont knwo how it reminded me of the joke
so the last page of this time magazine was all about cutbacks that the uber-rich were going to have to make due to the recession
it was a comic
a little illustration and phrase for each thing
like, a lady eating out of a manlo blanik (SP)
with “no more caviar insoles”
ridiculous things
the last image was a man walking out of a bank with a painting
and it said “No more free julian schnabel painting when opening a new checking account.”
me: hahahaha
Liza: “…* Actaully, those are still available”
me: hahahaha
Liza: i wanted to scan it and send it to you but now i can not find the magazine
me: where did you see this?
what mag?
Liza: Time

like a month ago