All the ______ Ladies


(Photo credit and all-together provocative-ness thanks to Dani/TRB.)

One thing I thought a lot about before recently saying some simple, yet meaningful, vows was – What about my friends that have not yet found “love”? (I shuddered, took a double take, and then shuddered again reading that sentence – I know it sounds condescending and lame, but stay with me…)

There is a solidarity in singleness on which I had an acute focus before meeting my husband. Since we met, I’ve wondered how things might change with my other friendships at each stage. To be honest, it may be too soon for me to see those changes. Perhaps it is bold of me to think anyone outside of my relationship with my “main squeeze” would even need attention/affection from me, specifically. But I’ve thought quite a bit about my efforts to display love toward others anyway. Sometimes I feel that I have more and more love to give as I learn more about love, other times, maybe less so.

Regardless of what my friends may or may not want or even need, let’s count this as a meager shout-out to all, single, married, divorced, widowed, lonely, and happy Ladies who are figuring out their answers to that age-old question: “What’s love?” I know, for sure, that love and joy are attainable on even the loneliest paths in life. To say singleness or marriage will bring it all home to you is a total misnomer, I’ve been assured.

I love my husband and you know I have MAD respect for you, too. Yeah, you.

Galatians 3:28  |  Matthew 22:30  |  John 13:35

(Second photo credit to Des)

Thoughts on the evolution of friendship between single and married people? Thoughts on finding love in even seemingly hopeless places?

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