Audible/Visual 1.0


Mind-dust and I are starting a collaborative effort – please chime in.

MD: What if we did a study that categorized good music vs bad music based on the album art. Kinda like judging the music by the cover and seeing if our judgments were correct?!
BK: [To begin] …maybe we need to stay a little more objective.

History, Survey, Art, Technology, Love.

I haven’t been able to find out who did the above album art – but it feels like an Egon Schiele meets Garance Doré.

kanye west “graduation” cover art by Takashi Murakami who also collaborated with Louis Vuitton.

hidden Fred Tomaselli painting for the magnetic fields albim “i”.

found image from interesting blog post “art fuels art”
artwork by andy warhol for the Velvet Underground.

found image (outsider art used on album)

notice the typography on the beach boys album influencing the beastie boys…

found image
found image – illustrating an era of gorilla art/album making.

found image
found image
found image
found image
found image
found image
found image