Fiscal Responsibility: Know thy self


I know the term is “spring cleaning” when you try to get your life organized and peer into the dark corners you had been avoiding. But I’d like to encourage my readers to take a good look at their finances EVERY season as a mark of good housekeeping. Even if you feel like you have no CASH flow worthy of a budget – sit down and really think about how you are using that money.

I know I am more prone to spend money (a) when I have cash and not cards – it may be different for others, or (b) when I am not at home as much, or (c) right when I get paid! This can be deadly if you get paid in cash and are working hard for that money. You feel entitled to treat yourself well for your hard work, but hang on – deposit that pay, and take half an hour to look at how you spent that cash over the last couple months.

Another benefit to not using cash is to track it online, but if cards are your downfall or you live in a city that has a lot of “cash only” situations, consider putting your money in envelopes – allocating only what you agreed with yourself to spend until your next pay day.

Good luck with your Summer Clean Sweep!