Oh, wait. Was there something I was supposed to do today?


So, I do hope that you all get to the voter polls today. I realize that many of you may be tired of the whole electoral process. I know many of my facebook friends must be tired of my PSA announcements, but I’ve tried to keep it to the important ones.

Since I live in New York, as you might imagine, this week has been FULL of watching and listening to more “news” than normal. Today all the political and weather related headlines blended together into the perfect storm of reporters, authorities, and elected officials troubleshooting transportation needs for citizen voters who sustained the brunt of Hurricane Sandy. Although I am worn out – I realize that keeping apprised of how those folks are doing in Staten Island, and who will be on my ballot in district 12, no wait 7, no 53, no 50… matters!

(Full disclosure regarding the above photo: They didn’t have stickers at my voting site, so I printed my own. Even though I just sat at my desk and didn’t interact with anyone for the rest of the day.)

A couple months ago I started listening to some less mainstream media voices, and paying attention to so-called third party candidate platforms. Let’s just say that I don’t think this is the year where the binary system will be broken, but I have hope for more of a just system in elections to come. I just have to start my campagne for 2016 now! (j/k)


I’ll spare you any fiery ranting. I just wanted to say that it’s been an intense election season, but don’t let it instil apathy for the process. Soon we will have an answer, but even that is fleeting, AND only PART of the story. If you have the energy to keep up with politics post-decision, (that pot-banging, four-more-beers moment) take some time to learn about the other people who showed up on your ballot, remember? There weren’t just 2 names on that ballot, were there? Which reminds me of one of my aforementioned PSAs:

bk: “POTUS aside, PLEASE be ready for your district’s vote for congress + senate!”
sb: “(& state senate & assembly & judges! get a summary of who is on your ballot down to the local level athttps://www.google.com/elections/ed/us/vote)”

Here is an interesting little time-travel moment for you. Just sit back, relax, and gain some distancing perspective…

And, for fun, here is what Twitter-sourcing predicts:

Related Links:
Get the actual results here.