Trend in Online Journalism


In case you were not aware – online extensions of some mainstream media publications have now created women-centric blogs or sub-journals. We’re not talking style section or tips for the home, but headlining news as it relates to women’s interests.

I find it fascinating, but how do we feel about this bifurcation? Should these headlines be on the front pages of the primary source of news instead of relegated to some kind of no-boys-allowed corner of the web? Maybe it is a way to reach women who need to be told that this news is for them, to get their attention, even if it is also covered elsewhere? Or, worst case scenario, are male editors disinterested in publishing news as it relates to us?

Why do you think this is happening? Do you have another solution? Do you know of more examples that I missed (below)?

Related Links:
Forbes Women
The Washington Post’s She The People
Slate Magazine’s  Double X
The Daily Beast’s Women in the World